Saturday, June 29, 2024

"I am strong, I have passed".


The tempest rages on, with winds that howl and roar,

A torrent of turmoil, that threatens to devour,

The calm within, the stillness of the soul,

As darkness closes in, like a shroud to enfold.

Like a shipwrecked sailor, clinging to the deck,

Their heart beats fast, as the waves crash and wreck,

Their eyes fixed on the horizon, searching for a guide,

As the storm's fury rages, their spirit's pride.

Yet, in the eye of the storm, they find a spark,

A glimmer of resolve, a light in the dark,

A voice within that whispers, "You are strong and free",

A beacon of hope, that guides them through the sea.

Like a lighthouse standing tall, they stand firm and bright,

Against the tempest's roar, they hold their ground in fight,

Their feet rooted deep, their spirit unbroken and true,

They face the storms of life, with a heart anew.

For in the turmoil's depths, they discover their might,

A strength that rises up, like a beacon in the night,

A courage that shines forth, like a radiant ray of light,

A resilience that whispers, "I am strong, I will fight".

And when the storm subsides, and calm begins to reign,

They emerge anew, with scars that tell their tale of pain,

But also with a wisdom, gained from facing the test,

A wisdom that whispers, "I am strong, I have passed".

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