Saturday, June 29, 2024

I'll rise above the darkest night.


The whispers spread, like autumn leaves on the ground,

Of doubts and fears, that seek to wound,

They try to block my path, with obstacles and pain,

To silence my voice, and snuff out my gain.

But I stand tall, like a tree that's rooted deep,

My roots of faith, a stronghold where I keep,

My heart beats strong, like a drum in the night,

I refuse to let them silence me, without a fight.

Their words may cut like knives, their actions may sting,

But I wrap myself in armor, like a shield that clings,

I focus on the truth, like a beacon shining bright,

And let the light of hope, dispel the dark of night.

They may try to trip me up, with hidden snares and traps,

But I walk by faith, with eyes that see beyond the maps,

I know the God who guides me, is stronger than their might,

And with His help, I'll rise above the darkest night.

For every attempt to block me, is an opportunity to grow,

A chance to deepen my roots, and let my spirit glow,

I'll not be deterred by doubts and fears so base,

For I am a child of God, with a purpose that's set in place.

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