Friday, July 12, 2024

"I inflicted wounds, like a wounded beast

 "I inflicted wounds, like a wounded beast

And you, dear one, bore them with gentle ease
You didn't fight back, just let the tears fall like rain
As I ravaged your heart, and left it in vain

Your solitude was a sanctuary, a place to hide
From the storm that raged within me, from the demons I couldn't subside
I drew strength from your silence, your quiet despair
And used it to fuel my rage, my self-destructive care

You didn't deserve it, but I gave it to you all the same
A toxic love, a poisonous game
And as the years went by, I only got worse
A cyclone of emotions, a maelstrom of curses

I'm ashamed to say, I reveled in your pain
A masochistic thrill, a twisted game
But as the silence grew, and the tears subsided too
I saw the damage I'd done, and the emptiness I'd imbued

I'm left with only regret, for what I've done to you
For breaking your heart, for shattering your truth
If only I could turn back time, to undo the harm I've done
To hold you close, and whisper 'I'm sorry', until the dawn is won"

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