Wednesday, July 10, 2024

"As sunset falls, on our final day


"As sunset falls, on our final day

I whisper goodbye, in a lingering way
It's time for me to set you free
To find your new horizon, and spread your wings to be

In distant skies, may you find your nest
A love that's true, and a heart that's blessed
May your days be bright, and your nights be light
May you dance under stars, without a single fight

I know it's hard, to leave behind
The memories we made, the love we designed
But I want you to soar, to fly so high
To find your happy place, where tears dry

In that island of gods, where love is real
May you find your true self, and make it feel
Like home at last, where heart and soul reside
And may our love remain, a memory to abide

Farewell, my love, may your journey be kind
May the winds of fortune blow behind
And when you look back, on our love so true
May it be with gratitude, and a heart that's anew"

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