Wednesday, July 10, 2024

"Memories of you, like autumn leaves, they fade


"Memories of you, like autumn leaves, they fade
Whispers of a love that's lost, and cannot be made
I yearn to turn back time, to relive those days
When love's sweet melody, filled every waking phase

In your warm embrace, I felt complete
Your laughter, my solace, my heart's retreat
We danced under stars, with love's sweet song
In perfect harmony, our hearts beat strong

Oh, to go back to those moments so divine
When life was simple, and love was a vine
That wrapped around my heart, and made it whole
And in your eyes, my soul found its role

But time, it seems, has other plans
And left me here, with memories in my hands
I'll hold on to them, like a lifeline true
And cherish every moment, that I once knew"

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