Friday, July 19, 2024

"A silent retreat, a solitary quest

 "A silent retreat, a solitary quest

A journey within, to find my inner nest
I withdraw from the world, to heal and to mend
To learn to be kind, to learn to be my true friend

I've been consumed by shadows, by darkness and fear
But now I seek the light, to banish all despair
I must throw away the weights that hold me down
And rise above the noise, to wear my crown

I'll wash my brain clean, of all negative thought
And fill it with positivity, like a garden newly sown
I'll learn to be strong, to stand tall and proud
To face each new day, with a heart that's loud

I'll learn to be kind, to be gentle and wise
To spread love and joy, and watch my spirit rise
I'll find my inner peace, my inner strength and might
And shine like a beacon, on a dark and lonely night

So I'll take this time, this chance to renew
To rediscover myself, and all that I can do
And when I'm ready, I'll emerge anew
A better version of me, with a heart that's true"

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