Friday, July 19, 2024

In a remote isle of blue and green,


In a remote isle of blue and green,

Where the sun shines bright and the breeze is seen,

A holiday destination, pure and clean,

Where worries fade and joy is gleaned.

The waves crash on the shore, a soothing sound,

As seagulls fly, their cries resound,

The scent of salt and seaweed fills the air,

A place where love and peace do abound.

The sandy beaches, soft and fine,

Invite you to relax, to unwind,

The ocean's embrace, a gentle caress,

A place where stress and toil do lessen.

The island's charm, a treasure trove,

A haven for the heart and soul,

Where nature's beauty, pure and true,

Awaits those who seek it anew.

So come and visit, stay awhile,

And let the magic of this isle,

Bring joy and peace to your heart's desire,

In this remote island, a holiday's fire.

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