Sunday, February 24, 2019

according to you, good gets good bad gets bad, I want good, hence I do good………………………………………………..

before you everything is equal , but I see a lot of things unequal here……………………………………………….. coz everything is in your hand, including my fate and destiny……………………………………………….. demanding my own self to be better to present it before you……………………………………………….. eveyrtime I am sad I remember you, I want to remember you too in my happy moments……………………………………………….. false hope is presented by many people, but you never do that, what you said is certain in all aspect……………………………………………….. god knows what best for me……………………………………………….. he plans a good plan for every good people on earth and beyond……………………………………………….. imagining him is all I can as it is difficult to picture him in real realm……………………………………………….. just accepting that he does exist though we can see and touch……………………………………………….. knowing his existence in every steps we make……………………………………………….. lusting to be close to him……………………………………………….. more or less I need to prepare myself be better as he only accept nice people……………………………………………….. not becoming bad to others and expecting he not being bad to me……………………………………………….. on the mind the body the soul I put him everywhere on my being……………………………………………….. plus he does see all the good and the bad……………………………………………….. questioning him is impossible as he expect nothing but good for us……………………………………………….. rising the awareness of myself to be on his path only……………………………………………….. surrounding myself with people who are close to him……………………………………………….. to teach me how to be close to him too……………………………………………….. unemploying all the dark sides in me……………………………………………….. versatile of the heart who can think of its own to the brink of nothingness……………………………………………….. well being gather and spread all over the universe……………………………………………….. xpect to the light of his creation can shine my whole dark blood……………………………………………….. young and energetic to be cautious and keep worshiping him……………………………………………….. zone of cleanliness so this body and soul can present themselves before his purity ………………………………………………..


“Dan demi kota (Mekah) ini yang aman.” (QS:At-Tiin | Ayat: 3).


“Sesungguhnya yang mewajibkan atasmu (melaksanakan hukum-hukum) Alquran, benar-benar akan mengembalikan kamu ke Ma’ad (tempat kembali)…” (QS:Al-Qashash | Ayat: 85).

Saturday, February 23, 2019


“Dan ini (Alquran) adalah kitab yang telah Kami turunkan yang diberkahi; membenarkan kitab-kitab yang (diturunkan) sebelumnya dan agar kamu memberi peringatan kepada (penduduk) Ummul Qura (Mekah) dan orang-orang yang di luar lingkungannya…” (QS:Al-An’am | Ayat: 92).


“Sesungguhnya rumah yang mula-mula dibangun untuk (tempat beribadat) manusia, ialah Baitullah yang di Bakkah…” (QS:Ali Imran | Ayat: 96).


“Maha Suci Allah, yang telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya pada suatu malam dari Al Masjidil Haram ke Al Masjidil Aqsha…” (QS:Al-Israa’ | Ayat: 1).


“Aku benar-benar bersumpah dengan al-Balad (Mekah).” (QS:Al-Balad | Ayat: 1).


“Dan Dialah yang menahan tangan mereka dari (membinasakan) kamu dan (menahan) tangan kamu dari (membinasakan) mereka di tengah kota Mekah sesudah Allah memenangkan kamu atas mereka, dan adalah Allah Maha Melihat apa yang kamu kerjakan.” (QS:Al-Fat-h | Ayat: 24).

i wish you get all the happiness in the world my friends

i wish you get what you want my friends

i hope your wish come true my friends

i hope your wish come true my friends

wish u all the best my friend

they have indonesia there. nice isnt it