Thursday, November 3, 2022

of course it doesnt feel nice


of course it doesnt feel nice

being ignored

i must be strong

in the name of lord

pray for the best for them

hope they dont do this to others

hope they actively answering others message

hope they realize their position

that they are students

that supposedly respect lecturers

that they are young generations

that supposedly respect older geneartions

and hope that they are actively participate in many programs

held by campus

all of this is for their own sake

so that they get various kinds of experiences

for their future

if they become teacher

or working in other fields

and all of this is for the sake of their campus

so that all programs held by campus

successfully get a lot of participation from students

that it will effect for acreditation

if the acreditation is good

they will get the benefit for sure

as good acreditation will mentioned in their certificate

that they will use it to apply for jobs

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