Monday, July 1, 2024

in twisted tongues


in twisted tongues they whisper, with malice in their eyes,

Their words like daggers, thrusting deep, to pierce my soul and prize.

But I, a warrior of strength, a queen of grace,

Will not be swayed by their venom, nor let their hate displace

The goodness in my heart, the fire in my bones,

I'll rise above their snide remarks, and let their bitterness be shown.

For I am proud of who I am, and all that I do,

And I will not let their negativity bring me down, no way, no clue.

So bring it on, oh haters, bring your worst,

I'll take it all and turn it into something that's blessed.

For I am a force to be reckoned with, a shining light,

And I will not be brought down by your badmouthing tonight.

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