Saturday, July 20, 2024

With full of blasts


They did it

 Forcing me to pray

Again And again

Never stop

Till the d day

That is scary

So many times

I got blocked

That is almost killing me 

That is almost ruining me

But I force myself to stand back up again

In the morning light

Under the ray of sun

That showering me gold

Conversing my blood to turn blue and beaten

Barren is the land of the heart

Full of grass and shadow of the baobabs 

Big and strong

Magnificently stand tall

Overpowering the bushes of daffodils

That always smiling to all the passers

Who carrying the burden of minds

Full of blood and fight

Struggle to stay sane

And it is condensending

What is it

The most powerful mind to date is that it is being the wall of the whelps

That is strange

Love that word

Love that memory

Bringing me joy

To fly to the imaginary land

Where all aRe friends

Till the day of doom


We stay together 

Hand in hand

March forward

To the oblivion of time

With full of blasts

That raining in the earlope

Earlier than this

Stingy as bee

Stinging the surface

Which is full of chocolate drops

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