Thursday, July 25, 2024

to the sahara desert



Mrs k

disgusting to the core

hope he makes her back to the right path

in his name of course

and then This 

Mr g

hope everything is ok

hope everything is safe

Pray the best for him

and then Her

Mrs el


But I can't do a thing

Just pray that she will treat him best

Nothing too much

Nothing too bad

Hope everything will run smoothly

And the time will go by smoothly

Accordingly it will awesome in every step

hope she will do something nauseating nomore

hope her revolting behavior will disappear into thin air

hope her repellent character turn to dust

that is blown away by the west wind

to the sahara desert

where all evils gather to dance

and chant the beautiful melody

that lead people to dark places

where all repulsive happenings happen

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