Friday, August 30, 2024

30 agus 24 jumat


30 agus 24 jumat















Thursday, August 29, 2024

29 agus 24 kamis


29 agus 24 kamis





bank jateng eror

maybank eror

kantorpos alhamdulilah



kui pak nur

rektorat alhamdulilah



28 agus 24 rabu


28 agus 24 rabu




pamela bmei




burektor eror



Wednesday, August 28, 2024

bad way


cannot be negative toward her

the important person

the lady in the iron clothes

cannot be negative toward him

the crucial person

the man in the iron armor

if they have bad intention toward me

then it is their business with him

hope he will give them what they deserve

if they do really have nothing again me

then it is all in my head

the devils make me things this way

bad way

disgusting thoughts running around my head

make me spinning toward the end

it is scary

must not do that

trying hard to be close to him

so he will protrct me from all rotten intention send toward me

Can bring me joy


there are still two more

must be strong

in the name of him 

I have the strength

I have the power

I have the intention

I have the will

All I do is hoping and wishing

That those things can bring me happiness

Can bring me joy

That will elevate me 

and will bring me closer to him

and he will protect me from all evil

he will make me safe

27 agus 24 selasa


27 agus 24 selasa

money changer





nyuci mobil



Monday, August 26, 2024

26 agus 24 senen


26 agus 24 senen



nguji 5x



catatan barang pergi


catatan barang pergi


salin dkk

bantal leher






baju 5x




alat mandi


Sunday, August 25, 2024

25 agus 24 minggu

 25 agus 24 minggu

nguji skripsi 3x

mlm pijet


In a fit of rage, I let my emotions sway


In a fit of rage, I let my emotions sway

And broke things precious to me, oh what a fray

My heart raced fast, my mind was aflame

As I lashed out, my actions the same

I shattered dreams, I crushed hopes and fears

And left a trail of destruction, my dear

The things I broke were dear to me

But in my anger, I could not see

Now I stand here, filled with regret

My actions, a foolish, idiotic debt

I wish I could turn back time and undo

The harm I've caused, the things I've bruised and broke

But alas, I cannot change the past

All I can do is learn and move forward at last

And hope that someday, I'll find a way

To mend the broken pieces, day by day.

Oh, the sorrow that I feel,


Oh, the sorrow that I feel,

My pockets now so thin and lean,

My mind a jumble of regret,

My folly now so plain to see.

I once was rich and free,

But now my wealth is gone, you see,

I lost it all, oh so sad,

My own carelessness, I'm mad.

I should have been more wise,

And kept my wealth in disguise,

But no, I had to be so bold,

And now my riches are cold.

I feel so very stupid,

My foolishness, it's so ridiculous,

I let my wealth slip away,

And now I'm left with nothing to say.

Oh, the pain that I endure,

My loss, it cuts seem so sure,

I'm left with nothing but shame,

My own calessness, the blame.

But still, I'll learn from my mistakes,

And try to be more awake,

For wealth and riches, they can flee,

But knowledge, that's forever free.

So I'll rise up, with newfound grace,

And leave my foolishness in the place,

And though my wealth may be gone,

I'll find a new path, and be strong.

In twisted alleys of darkness and night

 In twisted alleys of darkness and night

I sensed a presence, a wicked delight

The devil himself, with wicked intent

Came to mug me, to destroy my bent

But I stood strong, with a will of steel

My heart unbroken, my spirit unsealed

I faced him down, with a fierce intent

And fought back, with a determination to invent

His eyes glowed bright, with a wicked gleam

But I held firm, my soul unseemed

I would not yield, I would not fall

For I am strong, I will not be mall

The devil snarled, with a wicked hiss

But I stood tall, and gave him a dismiss

For I am not afraid, I am not weak

I am a warrior, my spirit unbroken and unique

So he turned and slinked away with a scowl

For he knew I was not one to bowl

I had stood up, to his wicked plan

And proven myself, a force to withstand

So now I walk, with my head held high

For I have faced the devil, and I did not die

I am strong, I am proud, I am free

And no one, not even the devil, can see

In doubt, I stand tall and strong,

 In doubt, I stand tall and strong,

My heart beats fast, my spirit longs
For answers to questions unspoken,
But I won't break, my will unbroken.

The world may doubt, may test my might,
But I'll rise up, and fight with all my might
For I know that in the darkest night
I'll find my strength, and shine so bright.

The wind may howl, the waves may crash,
But I'll hold my ground, and never clash
For I am tough, I am resilient,
And in doubt, I'll find my greatest asset.

So let the world doubt, let the wind blow
I'll stand firm, and my spirit will glow
For I am tough, I am strong and brave
And in doubt, I'll find my way to be brave.

In weariness I stumble and fall,

 In weariness I stumble and fall,

My spirit weary, my body small.
The weight of life's burdens I bear,
And struggle to rise from my prayer.

My eyelids heavy, my limbs like lead,
I trudge through days with a weight on my head.
The world spins round, a blur of hues,
As I struggle through tiredness and muse.

The sun beats down, a fiery glow,
But all I feel is a tired heart, low.
I long for rest, a peaceful sleep,
To escape the weight that I do keep.

Yet still I push, through the exhaustion and strife,
For in the end, I'll find a new life.
A life free from tiredness and pain,
Where I can rest and be myself again.

So I'll keep on going, through the fatigue,
And rise above the struggles I've been through.
For in the end, I'll find my strength,
And leave my tiredness in the length.

In sadness, I find my strength,


In sadness, I find my strength,

A heavy heart, a soul's length,
The weight of grief, the ache of pain,
Yet, in my tears, I find my gain.

The world may see me as weak,
My spirit bent, my soul seek,
But in my sorrow, I am strong,
My resilience, my heart's song.

The shadows of my past,
The scars that will not last,
The memories that still linger,
All fuel my inner strength, I cling.

In sadness, I find my voice,
My words, a gentle choice,
To speak of hope, of love, of light,
And guide me through the darkest night.

So let my tears fall, let my heart break,
For in my sorrow, I am awake,
And in my pain, I find my power,
To rise above, to every hour.

When ashes fall, and embers fade,


When ashes fall, and embers fade,

When darkness claims the light we've made,
And all that's left is dust and shade,
It seems the fire's flame has strayed.

But deep within, a spark remains,
A ember that refuses to wane,
A flame that flickers, yet sustains,
A glimmer of hope, a light that sustains.

Rise up again, though broken lies
The earth beneath your weary eyes,
Though shattered dreams and broken ties
Seem to suffocate your sighs.

Rise up again, though tempests rage
And winds of doubt and fear engage,
Though shadows loom, and darkness range
And whisper "you are not enough to stage".

Rise up again, though scars remain
And wounds of past pain still stain
The skin of memory's heavy rain,
And grief's dark clouds still weigh the brain.

For in the depths of sorrow's sea
A strength is born, a will to be
A phoenix rises from the ashes gray
To rise up again, and seize the day.

And though the road ahead may seem unclear
And doubts may whisper "fear and fear"
Remember still the spark within you glows
A flame that lights the path, as you rise anew.

Rise up again, for you are strong
For you have faced the darkness long
You have withstood the weight of sorrow's hand
And in its depths, a new dawn takes stand.

Rise up again, for you are free
To forge a path, where once was sea
To find your voice, where once was silence made
To rise up again, and claim your stage.

catching moments


i got tired

it is late at night

if they want to go sightseeing

they should prepare early

fast and furious

but all is well

we did go sight seeing

wisiting shops

buying things

visiting city center

riding cart

feeling happy

taking pictures

catching moments

to save for old days

to be remembered when the time come

make it all happy and proud

being together and one

that was so stupid


bad day

i lost my money

stupid me

not careful 

careless is being me

and me hate me

hope not do that again

hope i will be careful in the future

and make everything well

all will be well

and got stuck with my work

because of mouse

technology got me started

to get furious

and i destroy all

caught in the moment

and that was so bad

i need to buy new ones

and spend more money on my own

that was so stupid

but that was that

hope i will not repeat that again

hope i can control my anger in the future

Saturday, August 24, 2024

I can only pray


meet the devil


I have never thought

I will experience it again

I realize I'm far from perfect

but I try hard to stay away from all prohibitions

that way I will be kept away from all demons

but suddenly the devil appeared in front of me

really scary

I wish I had the power to conquer all kinds of demons

but I don't have the strength

I can only pray

just let him reply

I want bad prayers for the devils

but the word is that you can't pray badly

However, I'm not strong enough to pray good at the moment

become confused

just leave it to him

let him decide

what is appropriate for those demons

24 agus 24 sabtu


24 agus 24 sabtu



great asia afrika

floating market

pusat oleh2


oleh2 sumedang



23 agus 24 jumat


23 agus 24 jumat




otw sumedang

benchmarking pgsd upi kampus sumedang


lembah dewata




alun2 bandung



22 agus 24 kamis


22 agus 24 kamis



money changer




mlm rian





Thursday, August 22, 2024

21 agus 24 rabu


21 agus 24 rabu






mlm ketemu setan


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

20 agus 24 selasa

20 agus 24 selasa


akre s2 pbi



Monday, August 19, 2024

memori rapat prodi di grasia


19 agustus 24 senen


19 agustus 24 senen


rapat jurnal


nguji 4x



Sunday, August 18, 2024

18 agus 24 minggu


18 agus 24 minggu



sore satrio









mr nur


mr nur


mr nur


mr nur