Sunday, August 25, 2024

In weariness I stumble and fall,

 In weariness I stumble and fall,

My spirit weary, my body small.
The weight of life's burdens I bear,
And struggle to rise from my prayer.

My eyelids heavy, my limbs like lead,
I trudge through days with a weight on my head.
The world spins round, a blur of hues,
As I struggle through tiredness and muse.

The sun beats down, a fiery glow,
But all I feel is a tired heart, low.
I long for rest, a peaceful sleep,
To escape the weight that I do keep.

Yet still I push, through the exhaustion and strife,
For in the end, I'll find a new life.
A life free from tiredness and pain,
Where I can rest and be myself again.

So I'll keep on going, through the fatigue,
And rise above the struggles I've been through.
For in the end, I'll find my strength,
And leave my tiredness in the length.

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