Sunday, August 25, 2024

When ashes fall, and embers fade,


When ashes fall, and embers fade,

When darkness claims the light we've made,
And all that's left is dust and shade,
It seems the fire's flame has strayed.

But deep within, a spark remains,
A ember that refuses to wane,
A flame that flickers, yet sustains,
A glimmer of hope, a light that sustains.

Rise up again, though broken lies
The earth beneath your weary eyes,
Though shattered dreams and broken ties
Seem to suffocate your sighs.

Rise up again, though tempests rage
And winds of doubt and fear engage,
Though shadows loom, and darkness range
And whisper "you are not enough to stage".

Rise up again, though scars remain
And wounds of past pain still stain
The skin of memory's heavy rain,
And grief's dark clouds still weigh the brain.

For in the depths of sorrow's sea
A strength is born, a will to be
A phoenix rises from the ashes gray
To rise up again, and seize the day.

And though the road ahead may seem unclear
And doubts may whisper "fear and fear"
Remember still the spark within you glows
A flame that lights the path, as you rise anew.

Rise up again, for you are strong
For you have faced the darkness long
You have withstood the weight of sorrow's hand
And in its depths, a new dawn takes stand.

Rise up again, for you are free
To forge a path, where once was sea
To find your voice, where once was silence made
To rise up again, and claim your stage.

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