Sunday, August 25, 2024

In a fit of rage, I let my emotions sway


In a fit of rage, I let my emotions sway

And broke things precious to me, oh what a fray

My heart raced fast, my mind was aflame

As I lashed out, my actions the same

I shattered dreams, I crushed hopes and fears

And left a trail of destruction, my dear

The things I broke were dear to me

But in my anger, I could not see

Now I stand here, filled with regret

My actions, a foolish, idiotic debt

I wish I could turn back time and undo

The harm I've caused, the things I've bruised and broke

But alas, I cannot change the past

All I can do is learn and move forward at last

And hope that someday, I'll find a way

To mend the broken pieces, day by day.

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