Sunday, August 25, 2024

Oh, the sorrow that I feel,


Oh, the sorrow that I feel,

My pockets now so thin and lean,

My mind a jumble of regret,

My folly now so plain to see.

I once was rich and free,

But now my wealth is gone, you see,

I lost it all, oh so sad,

My own carelessness, I'm mad.

I should have been more wise,

And kept my wealth in disguise,

But no, I had to be so bold,

And now my riches are cold.

I feel so very stupid,

My foolishness, it's so ridiculous,

I let my wealth slip away,

And now I'm left with nothing to say.

Oh, the pain that I endure,

My loss, it cuts seem so sure,

I'm left with nothing but shame,

My own calessness, the blame.

But still, I'll learn from my mistakes,

And try to be more awake,

For wealth and riches, they can flee,

But knowledge, that's forever free.

So I'll rise up, with newfound grace,

And leave my foolishness in the place,

And though my wealth may be gone,

I'll find a new path, and be strong.

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