Sunday, August 25, 2024

In twisted alleys of darkness and night

 In twisted alleys of darkness and night

I sensed a presence, a wicked delight

The devil himself, with wicked intent

Came to mug me, to destroy my bent

But I stood strong, with a will of steel

My heart unbroken, my spirit unsealed

I faced him down, with a fierce intent

And fought back, with a determination to invent

His eyes glowed bright, with a wicked gleam

But I held firm, my soul unseemed

I would not yield, I would not fall

For I am strong, I will not be mall

The devil snarled, with a wicked hiss

But I stood tall, and gave him a dismiss

For I am not afraid, I am not weak

I am a warrior, my spirit unbroken and unique

So he turned and slinked away with a scowl

For he knew I was not one to bowl

I had stood up, to his wicked plan

And proven myself, a force to withstand

So now I walk, with my head held high

For I have faced the devil, and I did not die

I am strong, I am proud, I am free

And no one, not even the devil, can see

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