Sunday, August 25, 2024

In doubt, I stand tall and strong,

 In doubt, I stand tall and strong,

My heart beats fast, my spirit longs
For answers to questions unspoken,
But I won't break, my will unbroken.

The world may doubt, may test my might,
But I'll rise up, and fight with all my might
For I know that in the darkest night
I'll find my strength, and shine so bright.

The wind may howl, the waves may crash,
But I'll hold my ground, and never clash
For I am tough, I am resilient,
And in doubt, I'll find my greatest asset.

So let the world doubt, let the wind blow
I'll stand firm, and my spirit will glow
For I am tough, I am strong and brave
And in doubt, I'll find my way to be brave.

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